Category Archives: Bug Repellants

Does DEET Insect Repellant Work? And is it Safe?

DEET is an insect repellant that has been in use since the 1940s. It was first synthesized by Samuel Gertler of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and patented in 1956 by the Rutgers University Insecticide Research Laboratory (now defunct). DEET was initially used as a pesticide but it soon gained popularity as an insect repellent, safe for humans and animals.

DEET works by blocking mosquitoes’ olfactory receptors from sensing carbon dioxide which is how they locate their prey. This effectively masks the scent of human sweat, making us invisible to them. The chemical compound binds to specific proteins on the mosquito’s antennae, stopping them from detecting carbon dioxide emissions up to 11 feet away.

The active ingredient in DEET is N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (or more simply known as DEET). It is one of the most widely used insect repellents in the world and can be found in many different products. These range from sprays or lotions to candles and wristbands.

DEET has been proven to effectively repel a wide variety of insects and other arthropods including ticks, fleas, chiggers, mosquitoes, sandflies, and no-see-ums. The World Health Organization recommends using 20% DEET concentrations for maximum protection against biting insects.


DEET is considered one of the best insect repellants available today due to its long lasting protection and effectiveness. However, with any chemical product there are always safety concerns. Despite being around since 1956, DEET still stirs up controversy when it comes to safety.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted numerous studies on DEET’s safety profile and concluded that it is safe when used as directed. The most common side effects associated with DEET include skin irritation and rashes, although cases of more serious health problems have been reported. For this reason, it is important to use the product as directed on the label and to avoid over-application. In terms of children, the EPA recommends that products containing no more than 30 percent DEET be used on kids older than two months.

Overall, DEET has proven to be a safe and effective insect repellent when used properly. As with any chemical product, however, it is important to follow safety instructions and not exceed recommended application amounts. To ensure your family’s safety while using DEET based products read labels carefully and apply as instructed.

Check out our article on Vanilla as a natural mosquito repellant.

How to Use Thermacell Mosquito Repellant

Thermacell mosquito repellant is a great tool for keeping away pesky mosquitoes and other flying insects. It’s easy to use, with no mess or fuss. Here are the steps you need to know to use Thermacell:

1. First, find a suitable location where you want the device to be placed. Make sure that there is an open area around it so the insect repellent can reach its full potential.

2. Place the Thermacell unit on flat ground away from any windy areas such as fan vents or air conditioners since this can cause the insect repellent to disperse quickly.

3. Install the provided butane fuel cartridge into your Thermacell unit according to the instructions.

4. Light the repellent mat inside the unit with a match or butane lighter. The mat will start emitting a gentle heat and releasing the insect repellent into the air.

5. Once it’s lit, turn on the fan at the bottom of your Thermacell so that it can disperse better throughout your area. This will also help to protect you from any flying insects in the area.

6. When you’re done using your thermacell mosquito repellant, make sure you turn off the flame and allow it to cool before disposing of it in an appropriate trash receptacle.

By following these simple steps, you can be sure that your Thermacell mosquito repellant will keep you safe from pesky mosquitoes and other flying insects while you enjoy the outdoors. With no mess, fuss or harsh chemicals, it’s an easy way to ensure a pest-free environment. Enjoy!

DEET For Use as Mosquito Repellant

DEET is a synthetic chemical that has been used for many years as an effective mosquito repellent. It is used in products such as insect sprays, lotions, and creams to keep mosquitoes away from the skin. DEET works by blocking the signals that female mosquitoes use to find and detect humans as their blood source.

The benefits of using DEET as a mosquito repellant are clear: it is highly effective at keeping mosquitos from biting and potentially transmitting disease-causing viruses or parasites. However, although DEET is considered safe when used appropriately, there are still some risks associated with its use. Prolonged exposure may cause irritation or burning sensations on the skin and eyes, and there have been rare reports of neurological symptoms associated with frequent or excessive use.

In order to make sure you reap the benefits of DEET without running any unnecessary risks, it’s important to follow the label instructions when using products that contain this chemical: apply sparingly and in a well-ventilated area, don’t use under clothing, and wash off after returning indoors. Additionally, be aware that DEET is most effective at repelling mosquitoes when used in concentrations of 20-30%. Anything above 50% will not increase its effectiveness against mosquitos but may increase your risk for irritation or other side effects.

Vanilla as a Natural Mosquito Repellant

Vanilla is known to be a sweet and fragrant scent, but did you know that it can also help keep mosquitoes away? Studies have shown that vanilla extract has been proven to be effective in keeping mosquitoes from biting. This natural insect repellent can easily be found at your local grocery store or online.

One way to use vanilla to repel mosquitoes is to apply a few drops of pure vanilla extract onto your skin. It may be best to avoid using the imitation or synthetic vanillas as they may not have the same effect. When applying, make sure you do it sparingly and don’t rub it in too much as this could cause irritation of your skin.

In addition to applying the extract directly onto your skin, you can also make an all-natural mosquito repellent using essential oils such as citronella and eucalyptus. All you need is a few drops of each oil combined with a tablespoon of vanilla extract. Mix them together and apply it on your skin with a cotton ball. Alternatively, you can also use these ingredients to create a spray by mixing them with water in a spray bottle and spraying it on your skin as needed.

Using vanilla extract or a mixture of essential oils and vanilla extract is an effective way to help ward off mosquitoes naturally without relying on chemical based repellents. However, it is important to take the necessary precautions when using essential oils and vanilla extract on your skin as they can cause irritation. If you experience any itching or redness, discontinue use immediately. Additionally, it is best to avoid areas with excessive mosquito activity. By taking these extra steps, you can enjoy a pleasant summer without too much worry about pesky mosquitoes.

Common Tick Repellants

Ticks are small, parasitic arthropods that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They can transmit serious diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia. As such, it is important to take steps to repel them from your yard and body.

There are a number of commercial tick repellants available on the market. Most are made with Deet, a synthetic chemical compound used to repel insects. It works by masking scents that attract ticks, and it can be found in lotions, sprays, and wipes. However, Deet should not be used on children under the age of two months or pets due to the risk of toxicity.

In addition to chemical repellants, there are also natural products that can be used for tick prevention. Products containing essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus are popular choices. These oils may help mask scents that ticks use to find hosts and are generally considered safe when used correctly. However, they must be reapplied more often than chemical repellants, and some people may experience skin irritation when using them.

Another natural option is to create a homemade tick repellant out of garlic powder or vinegar. Sprinkling garlic powder around the perimeter of your yard can help deter ticks from entering. As for vinegar, applying it directly to the skin is believed to be effective in keeping ticks away. Though there isn’t any scientific evidence to back up these claims, many people have found success with using garlic powder and vinegar.

Finally, certain plants can also help keep ticks away. Planting marigolds around the perimeter of your yard may help repel ticks. Citronella and lavender are also known to have repellent properties, so planting these near potential tick entry points in your yard could help reduce their presence.

Overall, there are a variety of different methods you can use to help repel ticks. Depending on your preferences, you might want to opt for natural remedies such as plants or essential oils, or you may prefer to use more traditional treatments like insecticides. Whichever option you choose, taking the proper precautions can help keep ticks away from your property.

Remember, when dealing with ticks it’s important to take extra precaution and always consult a doctor if you are bitten by one. While using these repellants can help reduce the likelihood of being bitten, it’s not a guarantee that you will be completely safe. By staying informed and taking the right preventative measures, you can help keep yourself and your family safe from ticks.

The key to successfully repelling ticks is to take the necessary precautions and be aware of your surroundings. Remember to check for ticks frequently, wear the right clothing, and utilize tick repellants appropriately. By doing so, you can help reduce your chances of getting bitten by ticks and make sure that your family stays safe.

If you have any further questions about tick repellents or controlling ticks in general, consult a professional. With the right information and guidance, you can protect yourself from ticks and other pests so that you and your family can enjoy outdoor activities without worrying about tick bites.

Tick repellants are an important part of controlling the spread of disease-carrying ticks in your area. By staying informed and taking proper precautions, you can protect yourself and your family from tick-borne illnesses.

To summarize, tick repellants are an important way to reduce the chances of getting bitten by ticks. They should be used in combination with other measures such as wearing protective clothing, avoiding dense vegetation, checking for ticks after outdoor activities, and consulting a professional if necessary. Various types of repellants are available, including sprays, lotions, and granular products. It is important to read the label carefully and follow the directions for safe use. With careful research and application, you can protect yourself from tick bites and enjoy outdoor activities without worry.

Sprays are the most common form of tick repellant, and they typically contain DEET or permethrin. DEET is effective against ticks, but it can cause skin irritation in some people. Since DEET can also be toxic if ingested, it should not be applied to children’s faces or hands. Permethrin is a synthetic form of pyrethrin, a compound derived from chrysanthemums. It is highly effective against ticks and other insects but can cause serious reactions in cats and should not be used on them.

Lotions are another common form of tick repellent, usually containing DEET or permethrin. They are less likely to cause skin irritation than sprays and are effective for several hours. Natural repellents containing lemon eucalyptus oil or citronella oil can be used as well, but they may not provide the same protection from ticks as DEET or permethrin.

Wearing long sleeves and pants when outdoors can also help keep ticks away. Tucking pant legs into socks and taping cuffs can further reduce the risk of tick bites. Light colors are also beneficial as they make ticks more visible and easier to remove if they do latch on.

Finally, checking for ticks after spending time outdoors is essential in preventing tick-borne illnesses. It’s important to note that ticks often attach in out-of-the-way places, such as the armpits, groin, or scalp. If a tick is found, it should be removed as soon as possible to reduce the risk of disease transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using tweezers to firmly grasp and remove the tick close to the skin. After removal, it’s important to clean the area with soap and water or rubbing alcohol. Finally, it is best to dispose of a tick by putting it in alcohol or flushing it down the toilet.

By applying these strategies, people can dramatically reduce their risk of getting bitten by ticks and prevent contracting serious illnesses. Aside from practicing good personal hygiene, there are a number of other strategies that can be used to help reduce tick exposure.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is an effective tick repellant because of its strong aroma. The scent of peppermint oil repels ticks by masking the odors that attract them in the first place. In addition, peppermint oil is a natural insecticide and has been found to be very effective at killing ticks on contact.

To use peppermint oil as a tick repellant, it needs to be diluted in water or other carrier oils and applied directly to the skin. This should be done carefully, avoiding contact with eyes and mouth. It is important not to apply too much peppermint oil, as this can cause irritation or even an allergic reaction. When using on children or pets, it is best to consult a doctor or veterinarian first.

The effects of peppermint oil as a tick repellent can last for several hours, but reapplication may be necessary depending on the length and intensity of outdoor activities. To get the most out of its effect, it is recommended to apply the diluted peppermint oil mixture to the skin prior to going outdoors, and then apply it as often as needed.

So why does peppermint oil work so well? According to studies, the menthol contained in peppermint has been found to be a natural insect repellent. In particular, ticks have an aversion to this scent, which is why it is used as a repellent.

Also, the smell of peppermint oil is not as strong as many other chemical tick repellents, so it can be used in areas where chemical sprays are not allowed. Additionally, because it does not contain any harsh or unnatural chemicals, it is much safer for humans and animals to use than chemical insecticides.

Finally, peppermint oil is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain. You can find it in health food stores or online, and it can be used both indoors and outdoors. Its convenience makes it an ideal choice for those looking for a natural way to repel ticks without using harsh chemicals.

Peppermint oil is an effective, affordable, and safe way to repel ticks. It is a natural alternative for those who want to avoid using chemical insecticides in their home or yard. With its pleasant scent and ease of application, it can be an excellent choice for protecting your family from dangerous tick bites.