Category Archives: Camping

How to Use Thermacell Mosquito Repellant

Thermacell mosquito repellant is a great tool for keeping away pesky mosquitoes and other flying insects. It’s easy to use, with no mess or fuss. Here are the steps you need to know to use Thermacell:

1. First, find a suitable location where you want the device to be placed. Make sure that there is an open area around it so the insect repellent can reach its full potential.

2. Place the Thermacell unit on flat ground away from any windy areas such as fan vents or air conditioners since this can cause the insect repellent to disperse quickly.

3. Install the provided butane fuel cartridge into your Thermacell unit according to the instructions.

4. Light the repellent mat inside the unit with a match or butane lighter. The mat will start emitting a gentle heat and releasing the insect repellent into the air.

5. Once it’s lit, turn on the fan at the bottom of your Thermacell so that it can disperse better throughout your area. This will also help to protect you from any flying insects in the area.

6. When you’re done using your thermacell mosquito repellant, make sure you turn off the flame and allow it to cool before disposing of it in an appropriate trash receptacle.

By following these simple steps, you can be sure that your Thermacell mosquito repellant will keep you safe from pesky mosquitoes and other flying insects while you enjoy the outdoors. With no mess, fuss or harsh chemicals, it’s an easy way to ensure a pest-free environment. Enjoy!

Propane vs White Gas for Camping Stoves

Propane and white gas camping stoves have been a popular choice for outdoor adventurers for years, but there are significant differences between the two. Propane camping stoves offer convenience and affordability, while white gas camping stoves provide higher performance capabilities in more challenging environments.

Propane camping stoves are simple to use, require little maintenance, and can be purchased at many major retailers. They cook food quickly, thanks to their powerful burners which operate at high temperatures even in cold weather. In addition, they weigh less than other types of camp stove fuel sources, making them ideal for hikers who need to travel light. However, propane is not suitable for survival situations or use at high altitudes due to its low boiling point and lack of performance in colder temperatures.

White gas camping stoves are a more expensive option but offer superior performance compared to propane stoves. They burn hotter, making them ideal for high altitude or winter camping where fuel sources may freeze or become ineffective due to the cold. White gas is also better suited for survival situations since it stores longer than other fuels and can be used for extended periods of time without refueling. The downside is that white gas requires more maintenance since it needs to be cleaned and strained regularly, which can be a hassle for those who don’t have much experience with this type of stove.

Ultimately, both types of camp stoves are suitable choices depending on the user’s needs and preferences. Propane is the more economical option, while white gas provides better performance in tough conditions. Whether you’re an experienced camper or a first-time hiker, it’s important to consider your needs and select the stove that best meets them. With these helpful facts about propane and white gas camping stoves, you can make the right choice for your next outdoor adventure.

Check out camping stoves below:

Camping Stoves at

How to Find BLM Land

If you’re looking to explore the U.S. and spend time on BLM land, there are several resources available to help you find just what you need. Here are some tips for finding BLM land that suits your needs:

1. Check online maps – Using an online map like Google Maps, you can search for BLM land in your area. Look for land that is managed or owned by the Bureau of Land Management, and zoom in to find more details about what type of recreational activities are available on each parcel.

2. Find out what kind of activities you can do – Different types of BLM land allow for different kinds of recreational activities. For example, some land may be open for hunting, while others allow camping and hiking. Make sure to double-check the regulations before you visit to ensure that you are following all safety protocols.

3. Look for land near popular attractions – If you’re looking for a place to camp or hike, try searching for BLM land close to popular attractions, such as national parks or monuments. Many of these areas have plenty of public land available for recreation and exploration.

4. Consult maps – The BLM provides detailed maps that show the boundaries of each parcel of land it manages. You can use these maps to find out exactly what type of land is available in your area, as well as the best ways to access it.

5. Consider other public land – In addition to BLM-managed land, there may be other types of public land available in your area. State parks, national forests, and wildlife refuges are all great places for camping, hiking, fishing, and more. Look into what’s available near you and how to access it.

6. Contact your local BLM office – If you have questions or need help finding the right spot, consider contacting your local Bureau of Land Management office. They can provide detailed information on what types of land are available in your area and how to access them.

7. Explore safely – BLM land, like any other public space, requires responsible use. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of the area before venturing out so that you can enjoy your adventure safely. You may also need a permit or license if you plan on hunting or camping on BLM land, so make sure to look into that beforehand as well.

History of The Bureau of Land Management

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is a United States federal government agency responsible for managing public land, mineral resources, and natural resources. It was created by Congress in 1946 to oversee and manage the nation’s vast lands and resources.

The BLM is divided into ten geographic regions with headquarters located in Washington, D.C., and state offices located across the country. The mission of the BLM is to sustainably manage public lands for multiple uses such as energy production, recreation, grazing, timber harvesting, conservation, and habitat protection.

Since its inception in 1946, the BLM has been a leader in developing innovative ideas to ensure that America’s public lands are managed responsibly. By using modern technologies to properly monitor and manage public lands, the BLM protects these important resources while also allowing for their use in a variety of ways.

The BLM is committed to preserving America’s natural heritage by actively managing, protecting, and conserving wildlife habitat, wilderness areas, and recreational sites. In addition to its commitment to conservation, the BLM has also taken steps to ensure it meets its mission of providing economic stability through energy production and other job-creating activities.

Today, more than 250 million acres of public land are managed by the Bureau of Land Management. This includes national parks and monuments, forests and woodlands, grasslands and rangelands, watersheds and wetlands, oceans and coasts, wild horses and burros — all providing important natural resources for all citizens.

The BLM’s history dates back to the 1800s, when it was first created as part of the Department of the Interior in 1849. Initially, its primary purpose was to manage public lands and promote settlement across the western United States. In 1976, Congress passed the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), which established permanent protection for most public lands and set policy guidelines for their management by the BLM.

Today, the Bureau of Land Management’s mission is to sustainably manage its public lands on behalf of present and future generations. Its activities focus on energy development, wildlife conservation, grazing permits, timber harvesting, outdoor recreation opportunities, mineral development and archaeological sites. The bureau also works to restore and protect natural ecosystems, enhances public access to lands and waters, supports local economies, and creates opportunities for collaboration between government entities and the public.

The BLM is responsible for managing more than 245 million acres of land, as well as 700 million acres of subsurface minerals across the western United States. It also manages an additional 4 million acres of national forest system lands managed cooperatively by other agencies. The BLM’s responsibilities include: protecting cultural resources; managing endangered species; conserving water resources; protecting wilderness areas; managing grazing permits; regulating energy development; controlling wildfires; monitoring air quality; cleaning up hazardous waste sites; restoring damaged ecosystems; and providing recreation opportunities for Americans.

In order to accomplish its mission, the BLM works closely with other federal, state, and local agencies to ensure that land management decisions are made in an informed and collaborative manner. The BLM also relies on public input to help shape land management policy.

How to Waterproof a Tent

Waterproofing a tent is an important step to ensuring that your camping trips are free from the worries of leaks and wet floors. Fortunately, there are several options for waterproofing your tent so it can withstand even the wettest conditions.

The most common way to waterproof a tent is by applying a specific product designed specifically for treating tent fabric. These products come in both a spray and liquid form, and can be applied to both the outside and inside of the tent. It is important to ensure that the fabric is completely saturated with the product so that it forms an effective barrier against water ingress.

Another option for waterproofing your tent is to apply a sealant directly to the seams. Seam sealants are usually available in a wax or liquid form and can be used to waterproof any areas where fabric pieces meet such as around zippers, pockets, and vents. Applying seam sealant is a more labor-intensive process than using tent treatment products but it does provide an extra layer of protection against water leakage.

Before waterproofing your tent, it’s important to make sure the fabric and seams are clean. This will allow the waterproof solution to penetrate more easily into the material. Some tent fabrics may require a special cleaner or conditioner before treating with a waterproofer, so be sure to read and follow all directions on any product used.

Once the fabric is clean and dry, it’s time to waterproof the tent. Tent treatments are designed to be applied as a spray or in liquid form. Spray-on products generally require multiple applications for optimal performance, while liquids often provide better protection with one application. Follow all directions provided on the product packaging for best results.

When applying the waterproofing solution, make sure to cover all seams and surfaces of the tent so that no gaps in protection are left. It’s also important to check for any holes or thin spots in the fabric before treating it with the waterproofer. These areas can be patched using a product designed specifically for this purpose.

Once applied, allow the waterproofing solution to dry completely before packing away the tent. This ensures that all of the seams and surfaces are properly protected from water damage. With regular applications, your tent should be able to withstand wet weather for years to come.

It’s also important to make sure that your tent is stored in a dry place when not in use. If any moisture is left on the fabric, mildew and mold can form, and the waterproofing solution will be less effective. Additionally, it’s best to avoid storing your tent near potential sources of heat such as vents or radiators. Doing so can cause the material to break down more quickly.

Once you’re ready to use your tent, make sure to inspect it for any defects or holes prior to setting it up and using it in wet weather conditions. If the waterproofing has worn off due to extended use or improper storage, you may need to reapply a fresh layer of coats before heading out on your next camping trip.

Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that even the most well-made and waterproof tents can only do so much when exposed to extreme weather conditions. Always check the forecast before heading out for a camping trip and be prepared with an alternative plan in case of inclement weather or other dangerous situations. With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to keep your tent dry and cozy during all of your outdoor adventures.

Making a Lean-To Shelter

When setting up a lean-to shelter, the first step is to prepare the site. Select a flat, dry piece of land that is away from streams or other sources of water. Make sure there are no large rocks or debris that could cause injury if you fall during construction. The location should also be in an area with plenty of natural windbreaks to reduce wind exposure.

Next, you will need to gather materials for the shelter. The most suitable material is fallen branches that can be used as supports and birch bark or spruce boughs for the roof of the lean-to. You may also use a tarp or ground cloth if available.

To begin constructing the lean-to, dig a shallow trench around the perimeter of the site. This will help to reduce water runoff and provide some additional wind protection.

Next, create two A-frame supports on either side of your shelter. Secure these with rocks or other items found in nature that can act as weights. Then use fallen branches to create an arched support between the two A-frames. This should serve as the main support for your shelter.

Once you have your main support in place, it’s time to begin laying down the roofing material. Place long pieces of bark or boughs over the top of the arched support and secure them with rocks or other weights. When finished, the roof should be tight and secure.

Finally, line the inside of your lean-to shelter with soft materials such as leaves or grass. This will provide additional insulation and comfort while sleeping. For cold nights, you can also use a reflective blanket to help trap heat within your shelter.

And there you have it! Once assembled, your lean-to shelter should provide you with adequate protection from the elements. With proper care and maintenance, this type of shelter can last for years. Make sure to break it down and store materials whenever not in use.

If done correctly, you should have a comfortable and reliable shelter that will keep you safe during your next outdoor adventure. Happy camping!

Remember that the location and materials you use to make your shelter will affect how well it stands up to the elements. Make sure to find an area with good drainage and plenty of soft material for insulation. Choose sturdy materials, such as branches or logs, for the framework of your shelter. Don’t skimp on quality when it comes to fabric, either. Look for waterproof or water-resistant options to protect you from the rain and wind.

Take time to plan out a well-constructed lean-to before beginning construction. This will save time and effort in the long run. Make sure that each piece is securely fastened, as even the slightest movement can cause your shelter to collapse. Consider using rope, twine, or stakes to tie pieces together if needed.

When setting up your lean-to shelter, think about its orientation. Generally, you want the open side—where the entrance will be—facing away from both prevailing winds and sunlight. This will keep you and your shelter cool and comfortable while keeping you protected from the elements.

Once you’ve chosen an orientation, start building the frame of your lean-to shelter by laying sticks or logs against each other. Make sure that these supporting pieces are stable and secure at the base before moving on to add other layers. To ensure extra stability, you can tie them together at the top with rope or paracord.

Next, lay pieces of tarp or another waterproof material over the frame of your shelter. Make sure that they’re secure and won’t come loose in strong wind or rain. If you need to, use stakes or ties to secure the material to the ground.

If you have additional material to use, consider adding extra layers of insulation between the frame and tarp. This will help keep your shelter warmer in colder climates or provide extra protection from wind and rain. You can also add a layer of leaves or grass on top for improved insulation and soundproofing.

Finally, make sure that your shelter has a door. This will keep out any unwelcome visitors and provide an easy way to get in and out of the shelter. You can use extra tarp or sticks tied together with rope to create a flap or door for your lean-to.

Once you’ve finished setting up your lean-to, go over the entire structure and make sure it is as secure as possible. Check for any weak points that may need reinforcement or double-check to make sure all of your knots are tight. With a little care and maintenance, you can have a reliable shelter that will last you for years to come.