Does DEET Insect Repellant Work? And is it Safe?

DEET is an insect repellant that has been in use since the 1940s. It was first synthesized by Samuel Gertler of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and patented in 1956 by the Rutgers University Insecticide Research Laboratory (now defunct). DEET was initially used as a pesticide but it soon gained popularity as an insect repellent, safe for humans and animals.

DEET works by blocking mosquitoes’ olfactory receptors from sensing carbon dioxide which is how they locate their prey. This effectively masks the scent of human sweat, making us invisible to them. The chemical compound binds to specific proteins on the mosquito’s antennae, stopping them from detecting carbon dioxide emissions up to 11 feet away.

The active ingredient in DEET is N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (or more simply known as DEET). It is one of the most widely used insect repellents in the world and can be found in many different products. These range from sprays or lotions to candles and wristbands.

DEET has been proven to effectively repel a wide variety of insects and other arthropods including ticks, fleas, chiggers, mosquitoes, sandflies, and no-see-ums. The World Health Organization recommends using 20% DEET concentrations for maximum protection against biting insects.


DEET is considered one of the best insect repellants available today due to its long lasting protection and effectiveness. However, with any chemical product there are always safety concerns. Despite being around since 1956, DEET still stirs up controversy when it comes to safety.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted numerous studies on DEET’s safety profile and concluded that it is safe when used as directed. The most common side effects associated with DEET include skin irritation and rashes, although cases of more serious health problems have been reported. For this reason, it is important to use the product as directed on the label and to avoid over-application. In terms of children, the EPA recommends that products containing no more than 30 percent DEET be used on kids older than two months.

Overall, DEET has proven to be a safe and effective insect repellent when used properly. As with any chemical product, however, it is important to follow safety instructions and not exceed recommended application amounts. To ensure your family’s safety while using DEET based products read labels carefully and apply as instructed.

Check out our article on Vanilla as a natural mosquito repellant.

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